Flash Drive Viruses (Aikelyu / deadly-c.vbs / pooh.vbs)


Flash drive based viruses have been on the rise recently. Most are harmless but no less annoying. I do get exposed to a lot personal computers as my job requires me to do onsite maintenance of my programs. I get exposed to them a lot and even got infected once.

Sadly, most of these seem to have been written by fellow Filipinos (or at least some variants) and most occurrences seem to be localized here in the Philippines. This probably explains why these escape the eyes of some large anti-virus companies.

The most recent one I’ve encountered is Deadly-c.vbs. It seems like a variant of the Aikelyu virus. Looking around the internet, it also occurs as pooh.vbs. It propagates itself in all writable drives except the floppy disk and during windows startup it calls Internet explorer and shows an html file containing the irritable words “f%%k you-->this is jayker felling----->PogitosGwaposAmigosGarantisadosGalantis Kaayos!!”.

This time I finally decided to deal with it. I’m a VB programmer myself and this one being written in vbscript I can read and look at what it does. So it’s fairly easy to come up with a cleanup program. I named it IAMFlashClean and I’m hoping make it clean other viruses of the same kind as I encounter them.

You can download the IAMFlashClean Aikelyu virus cleaner here should anyone would want to use it.